

I met Stephanie at a club a couple years ago. We were both drooling over the same hot guy we knew we didn’t really have a chance at. After Mr. Hot Guy left we started talking, gossiping really, about the girl he left with. She got pretty drunk. I don’t know why, but for some reason I would have felt terrible if I’d just left her at the club, she might have driven herself home- last thing I wanted was to read about a drunk driver hitting a tree and killing herself in the morning edition of the newspaper.

Instead I got her to come to my house. She trusted me, not that I wasn’t one to be trusted, and I let her stay on my couch over night to sleep it off. When I asked her about getting her car she said she had walked to the club with some friends (they’d left without her I assume) so cars weren’t an issue.

In the morning, when she woke up, I had breakfast sitting on the table. She thanked me, especially for the coffee. We ended up talking for a long time. My niece was to be over for a haircut not long after Steph and I ate; I told her she was more than welcome to stay as long as she didn’t mind watching me cut my niece’s hair. She said it was no big deal; she thanked me again for letting her stay at my place for so long. I had no problem with it, she was really nice and we’d hit it off immediately.

Allie, my niece, knocked on my door about twenty minutes later. She gave me a hug and a kiss and greeted “Ms. Stephanie” politely. I asked her how short she was cutting her hair and she told me that she wanted it cut to her ears. I was a bit shocked, her hair had never had a major cut, a trim here and there, but nothing quite as much as this. After all, Allie’s hair was grown down her back until it nearly touched the small of her back.

I agreed and sat her down in the living room. Steph came out and watched. It took about forty-five minutes; I kept making sure that she really wanted to take off so much, she kept saying that’s what she wanted to do.

After I finished she thanked me and gushed about how amazing it looked- and, honestly, it did look really good. She said goodbye to me and Steph before leaving.

After I left Steph asked if I was interested in working at a little beauty shop.

“You’re being serious?” I was in disbelief.

“Yeah, right now I’m the owner and the only employee. Not only do I get lonely between appointments, but business is declining because I get booked on the same day a walk-in ‘desperately’ needs a cut o whatever.”

I hugged Steph, my friend of less than twenty-four hours who was already my lifesaver-as I was possibly hers.

My arms were around her neck. Hers were on the small of my back. I leaned my head back so I could see her face but didn’t pull away. The space between us was full of electricity.

I hesitated for only brief moment, then, without really thinking, I stuttered out “I- I think I want to kiss you.”

Her hands fell down to my ass, she gave it a squeeze. A lusty look filled her eyes. “I dare you,” she whispered.

Of course, being that my ass is very sensitive, I moaned because her touch was so unexpected. I leaned in, our foreheads touched. I could feel her warm breath on my lips. Then her nose skimmed mine.

There was no hesitation. We didn’t start off slow. Oh no, this went from zero to maximum in a split second. Our lips didn’t lock until our tongues twirled.

Things moved even faster, time seemed to sped up. My hands were under her shirt, undoing the front clasp on her bra. I loved the feeling of her hard nipples on my palms. I kneaded her breasts while we kissed. I think her legs were going to give out from the tension between them- I know that’s how I felt, so I figured it must have been the same for her- so we moved to my couch. Somehow, my shorts and panties had come off. Her shorts were off too.

She was under me. Our bodies pressed together, my pussy juice was leaking onto her panties.

“Let me taste you,” she whispered. One of her hands slipped around my waist, in a slow, VERY teasing way, and pressed lightly on my slit. When my pussy lips parted I moaned, if her hand had to breath it probably would have drowned in my wet snatch. She pushed her middle and index fingers into my tunnel. Her thumb found me clit. My hips jerked and she gave me a naughty smile.

I had been kissing her neck, but now I was mostly sucking on it between moans. It was amazing. I’d never really realized how amazing it would be to be with another woman- imagine, somebody who knows how your body works because theirs is the same! It was intense.

She slowly began to pull her fingers out, I squirmed. “No, please,” I begged. “Steph, I need you, don’t stop!”

She gave me a wicked grin, pulling her fingers all the way out and bringing her hand to her lips. She licked her fingers slowly, it was a very sexy image. I was turned on beyond belief.

She made her way from underneath me. Not accidentally, my legs were hanging over the couch. She hiked them both over her shoulders and kissed my thighs. I was squirming like crazy, so tempted to just grab her head by her hair and forcefully pull it up to my pussy. At the same time, I was enjoying the feel of her lips, her tongue, on my legs to make her stop. Her hands reached up and went underneath my shirt, trying to find my bra. I quickly pulled them both off, hands shaking form the pleasure.

She pulled and pinched my nipples. She was kissing the lips of my pussy, not pushing her tongue farther. I tried to move meg legs in a way that would make her slid her tongue into me. But she would have none of that. Steph liked being in control. She looked up at me, devilish grin on her face, naughty look in her eye.

“Tell me what you want,” she instructed, pinching my nipples.

I moaned. “Please, Stephanie, I can’t take this!” my pussy was so tense I thought I might explode. “I need you to relieve me, please eat me!”

“Talk dirty to me babe.” Her body moved so gracefully as it slid up mine at our lips locked again. Her hand found my love tunnel again, she pushed just one finger inside me. I was going crazy, I’d become so tight that just that one finger felt like three. My pussy was so tense, it was amazing. She knew all the right places to touch me, I was in heaven. I reached down. I was so dazed with lust I couldn’t remember if she’d taken off her clothes. But when I’d finally gotten my head enough to realize I should give her some attention too we were both completely nude. It was crazy, and I was going crazy.

I trailed my hand down her body, I think her eyes rolled back in her head a little. I parted her lips with my first and third fingers, finding her nub with my middle. She cried out and I pulled back her hood with my thumb and pressed her finger to it. I was worried I’d somehow hurt her.

I started to pull away. “Are you alright?”

She grabbed my wrist. “Please,” she nearly begged, and I could see the lust in her eyes. “Do that again.”

We were both sitting on the couch. Her chest, I estimated a C cup, was pressed to mine. Our lips were locked. She scooted her ass forward on the couch, I knew she was setting up for a scissor. I moved my legs so it would work. Our pussies rubbed together, her warm juices on my tunnel, on my clit, felt so good. We pressed together.

We must have scissor for at least a half hour- minimum. I couldn’t get enough of her warmth. It was amazing. That’s when she stopped. I thought I was going to go crazy, I’d climaxed at least once while we were scissoring, but I’m kind of multi orgasmic so I couldn’t be sure.

That’s when she put her hands on both sides of my face and told me it was time for me to clean her up like a good girl. I was about to slid off the couch and put my head inbetween her legs when she shook her head. She just pushed away from me so she could stretch her legs out in front of me. She propped herself up on her elbows and shook her head again. I had wished she’d’ve been more straight forward, I was dying to climax again.

“Come sit on my face.” She laid back again. I was confused, I thought she’d wanted me to clean her up. I didn’t object though. I put my pussy over her face. She started to eat me, I shuddered with lust. She stopped, I felt like the world was going to end.

“Please, don’t stop,” I moaned. “I’m begging.”

“Then get down there and copy me like a good girl.”

I smiled, my first 69. I leaned forward, laying on her stomach. I parted her lips with my fingers and started lapping at her sweet pussy.

She started again on mine, and I couldn’t help but moan.

We didn’t stop until her both noticed how hungry we were, which wasn’t for a very long time. I climaxed on her face after she started sucking my clit, getting a similar response from her when I did the same- but to make it more interesting I fingered her too.

The End.

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