Summer ends

Summer ends

Three months that had passed since that life-changing day when her son had fucked her. She was 34, he soon to be 18. They now screwed regularly and had together worked out how to separate their sex sessions from their day-to-day lives.

The basement of their home that housed the laundry equipment had been partitioned to provide a small recreation area with a bed in the centre and screened dressing area where his mum kept her collection of sexy lingerie recently purchased from an Internet sex site. Everything relating to their incestuous relationship was kept in that basement room, so that when they finished their sessions she could dress in day clothes, walk upstairs, shut the door, and return to ordinary life.

At the start he fucked her hard up the arse and in the months that followed she’d trained him in his need for rough sex ‘you can hurt me, but you mustn’t injure me’. She found that she enjoyed the mild pain he inflicted heightening her own satisfaction.

His 18th birthday was coming up and she’d decided to get him something special. A nicely gift-wrapped girl! She’d trawled the Internet escort sites looking for a suitable local candidate. ‘Tracy’, her website said she was 18 and gave a description of her vital statistics and went on under ‘likes and dislikes’ -

Out calls only. Enjoy giving and receiving mild dom. Giving and receiving spanking. C.I.M’ – she didn’t understand that, and ‘Watersports’ - What on earth was that? .‘Please do not ask for bareback. Sorry guys, I don’t do anal, too small!’

‘ Only 18’ she thought. ‘Still, if young girls were going to advertise their bodies for sale, they deserved what they got’

‘Thanks, mum ‘, he said when she told him about Thursday evening’s treat. The next two days passed slowly until the doorbell rang. She answered the door. The girl was reassured to see it opened by a more mature female dressed in denims and a simple top, fair hair pulled back to a into a girly ponytail. ‘You couldn’t be too careful could you?’ The girl turned and gave a nod to a figure sitting in a parked car on the other side of the road. ‘It’s Tracy isn’t it?’ she said. ‘He’s downstairs in the recreation room’ she said. ‘You’re his birthday present from me. Let me take your coat and deal with the finances’. She handed Tracy the cash they’d agreed for a 2-hour session. Tracy opened her little shoulder bag unzipped a pocket and pushed the cash inside. ‘Thanks’ said Tracy, turning her back to slip the coat from her shoulders.

She gave Tracy the once over. Shiny shoulder length auburn hair with expensive highlights. Glowing youthful complexion, wearing a hint of eye shadow, deep red lipstick. Lovely peach shaped buns in tight powder blue shorts with the lower part of her cheeks just showing at the bottom. No sign of a panty line. Breasts larger than her own slightly spilling over the top of a little cotton strapped vest. A hint of nipples visible through the material. ‘36C cup’ she thought and she could see between the gap of her tits that she wasn’t wearing a bra. Knee high boots with heels ‘Cheap and a bit slutty’ she thought ‘Still, at least she’s knows what she’s here for’..

As Tracy turned and she glanced down the front of her body as if checking the goods. ‘Good tits’. Her bare midriff showed a single gold stud in her navel. The little shorts were certainly short - almost a size too small. Skin tight, they sat on the top of her hips clinging to the mound at the top of her vulva accentuating the shape. Her own wetness hoped upon hope that she wouldn’t just be watching! Thinking of what might be, she reproved herself ’How easily these dirty words, arse and cunt roll round my mind nowadays!’

She led the way down the stairs to the basement. He had heard them coming dressed casually in sports shirt, shorts, and sneakers. The instant the door opened their eyes met. ‘Selina’ he said. His mum said’ I thought her name was Tracy’. ‘It is Selina – I use Tracy when I’m working’. This was the Selina, recent new arrival in town, the ‘good’ girl who he’d dated some weeks ago and when he’d put his hand on her knee she’d pushed it away saying ‘I’d like to get to know you better first’ He didn’t get to know her better – he’d had a better offer – from his mum!

‘I had to start escorting’ said Tracy ’I couldn’t find any other work and I need the money to pay for college. ‘I’m sorry, I’ll go, just let me ring my driver’.

He was pretty angry. When he’d dated her she’d been a cock tease. ‘No you won’t’ he said ‘Mum’s paid for you to me my birthday present and that’s what I’ll have’. ‘How bizarre’ she thought ‘a mother paying for an escort for her own son’

His mum said ‘I’ll leave you to get reacquainted then’, disappearing out of sight behind the partition at the rear of the room.

‘Come and sit next to me Selina’ he said. ‘It’s actually knowing you has made me nervous’ she replied. ‘Ah well, it saves the formalities’ he laughingly said. The sat on the edge of the bed. He put his arm around her neck and pulled her face upwards towards him and kissed pushing his tongue inside her mouth – at least he’d had that from her when they’d dated. He could see down her top – the sight of her tits giving him a hard on. He pulled the top up and over her head. Her exposed tits were bigger than he’d imagined, round soft and a hint of swelling at the sides that just served to increase his desire. He fondled their fullness. Chocolate coloured nipples that hardened as soon as he played with them. ‘Oh yes baby, we’ll be good lovers’. ‘I wanted you that night, she said but I didn’t want you to think I was easy’. He was still angry at the deception and thought ‘I’ll show you easy.‘ He squeezed her tits, pinched her nipples and nibbled. She felt the nibbles as bites and her body tensed. A bit too rough! He ran his hand up her leg rubbing her between the legs through her shorts and she felt around his shorts until she could squeeze his cock.

From the corner of her eye Selina saw his mother coming from behind the portioned area. ‘Oh, my God’ she said ‘what’s going on? I want out of here! ’ His mum stood naked expect for simple white panties and heeled patent leather glossy red shoes, strapped at ankles red ribbon replacing laces. As she’d taken off her day clothes she’d thought ‘ I’ll understate today. I’m not competing with a trollop’ ‘Absolutely stunning' he thought, taking in her trim pert breasts and every detail of her gorgeous body

‘Mum’s going to watch’ he said. Selina said ‘I’m not sure. I’m a bit nervous about it. I want out! ‘ His mood changed. ‘Well let me tell you how it’s going to be. I’m going to fuck you and mum’s going to watch. He stood and quickly stripped, his erect cock springing out of his pants at eye level top the girl. ‘There we are ‘ he said jokingly ‘Easy when you know how’.

She said’ I’m not comfortable I think I’d rather call it a day’. She sat up on the edge of the bed. His mum said ‘I’ve paid good money for your birthday present. Get her things off’. He quickly pulled off her boots, then put both thumbs under the waist of the shorts and with a quick rough movement peeled them down over her hips, pulling them to her ankles. She wore a powder blue thong the colour matching the shorts. He put his knee between her legs edging them apart and snapped the narrow elasticised that held the thong The fabric pulled urgently into the crack between her lips, stinging her The skimpy fabric flew from her body revealing the open lips parted, the secret pink inner part almost eyeing him. The pussy was surrounded by trimmed light hair – the same as her hair colour ‘That won’t do’ he said ‘Mum, pass it to me.’

Weeks ago when cleaning out the recreation area they’d found an old cut throat razor in a box of junk, a relic discarded by a former resident of the house. He had cleaned it, honed it and had been using it on his mum’s cunt and anal area gently shaving away wispy growth. ‘Keeping it in trim’ they laughingly said

The glint of the razor caught Selina’s attention but any protest was ignored as he pushed her between the tits so that she fell backwards across the bed. He held her there whilst his mum without the need for spoken words went round to the other side of the bed, reached forward grabbing Selina’s wrists pulling her arms over the girl’s head. She leaned forward and said ‘Now, don’t be silly, it’s only a game for his birthday’. He took in the way his mum’s tits brushed across Selina’s face momentarily her nipples lingering at the girl’s lips. ‘Well, well, well mum might want more than watching!’ He teased he girl putting the handle of the razor between her open legs pushing the tip just inside her. She whimpered, but his mum holding her arms spoke to Selina, reassuring soothing words. Mum speaking.

He dry shaved Selina with the ultra sharp razor. He shaved her lower tummy down to the top of her pussy and then inside her inner thighs stopping every so often to admire his handiwork. He pushed the outer edge of the left hand pussy lip towards the vulva so the puffed area was taut and shaved the few hairs remaining. He changed position to tighten the right hand lip area and shaved. He nicked her drawing blood. She squealed. He said’ sorry it’s only a tiny nick’. His mum knew it was deliberate. ‘Be a good girl’, she said as she released her arms both females judging the situation, one knew she wouldn’t struggle the other knowing it was pointless to struggle. She even thought to herself ‘this can’t last for much longer. I might as well try to enjoy it’

‘Time to show mum what you can do for me Turn round please’. He moved to stand at the head of the bed holding his cock Selina got herself to the middle of the bed in a kneeling position, legs slightly apart, buttocks in the air his cock in her mouth. His hips moved back and forth in a steady fucking motion. She stopped to lick his balls gently sucking one into her mouth, then the other, then licking up the length of his shaft.

Suddenly his response stopped. He lent forward roughly shoved his hand into the nape of her neck forcing her head into the pillow. His other hand applied force to part of her shoulder

He saw. The girl couldn’t - His mum held the leather belt – a belt his Dad had not taken when he’d left some two years ago. A man’s trouser belt woven out of strands of leather, tapered at one end with a metal buckle at the other, She had shortened the length of the belt by coiling around the palm and back of her hand so it was less than a foot long.

The lips of Selina’s cunt were showing prominently from between her legs and she flicked the belt at them. Teasing, and flicking, occasionally moving the flicking action upwards to flick the left cheek of her rounded arse and then to the right. ‘Quite nice, thought Selina’ as a pleasant sensation started to build up in her loins. ‘Turn her over’ she said to him. His excitement mounting to a new level he rolled Selina over onto her back and this time it was he who pinned her arms. Selina’s legs were flaying. But to no avail. His mum was standing back from the bed the belt at it’s full length she hit Selina in the shaven cunt. Pain inflicted at last! The more Selina squirmed the more she hit her. Apart from the obvious pain of being hit too hard, Selina’s mind couldn’t work out why it was so painful. Then she saw the glint of the metal buckle, smacking, Hitting, the centre nib of the buckle hurting her labia, nipping, bruising, bleeding.

The hurting was over as suddenly as it started. And then it was his mother who was licking her - thrusting her tongue into the cunt she’d hurt caressing it better with her tongue her arse rising and falling in a sexual motion. She responded by moving her body in time with the licking.

He couldn’t believe it what he was seeing. Mum gets better and better! He thought. He walked around the bed to stand behind his mother with one hand feeling under her panties between her legs to fondle her wet cunt, two fingers slipping inside her. He took his hand away and grasped the sides of her panties pulled them together and with a just a hint of roughness tugging the material across her bottom. He pulled upwards as if the lift her arse in the air. He manipulated he panties, up and down. He knew the panties would be in her cunt creating a camel toe and he wished he could look at it. Forwards and backwards the soft material stimulating her anus and vagina. He knew she liked it. He spanked across her arse, firmly but not roughly as he’d been taught

She continued licking the girls cunt sucking in the flesh, tongue rolling around the girls parts. Enough! He needed some action! He just gently pulled his mum away before lying down on the bed beside Selina. He lifted her leg so she would be able to see his cock entering Selina’s newly shaved cunt – but for that moment mum wasn’t in his vision, so he just pushed his cock into the girl, starting to fuck her.

Then he saw her! She came from behind the screen that provided the small dressing area. Strapped around her waist, held firmly in position by little leather buckled straps around her thighs was a rubber phallus – a stiff flesh coloured cock covered with small pimples, balls below. She still wore her red shoes and in her hand she had her panties.

He stopped the fucking motion and looked at the sight incredulously. He’d not seen the cock before. She must have bought it on the net when she was buying undies. Unspoken she knelt on the bed swinging the girl’s leg over her him so it was just her and the girl, the girl on her back, legs parted, knees slightly party, every exciting part of her sex on display. Ready! Mum drew her panties across the girl’s mouth and nose so the girl could smell her sex on them, putting them on the pillow. Then she gently entered the girl, effecting the fucking by rocking to and fro, the girl joining in with her hips rising and falling. He had stood so he could walk around the central bed to take in the view from every angle. As he reached the top of the bed behind the girl’s head, she met his eye and in a small voice said ‘birthday time’ Instinctively he knew what she wanted him to do. He knelt on the edge of the bed leaning forward to grab behind the girl behind her knees pulling them up so her buttocks were pulled into the air exposing her anus. She looked briefly at the puckered hole before half rising to a crouching position and pushing the tip of the rubber into her arse. The girl could do nothing to prevent the pain. She weakly said ‘I don’t do anal’ His mum said ‘Neither did I until recently, sweetheart’. Her arse was being raped, the cock pushing deeper and deeper, in and out in and out, He could see the stretched hole being stimulated, and as the fucking continued the girl settled into the motion, lightly moaning as her fingers fluttered to play with the top of her pussy.

‘My turn’ he said to his mum’. She got off the bed loosening the straps of the now used object as it fell to the floor. ‘You fuck her while I go and pee’

‘ There’s no need, mum. Piss on her here. Please show me ’ Then she understood ‘Watersports’. ‘Stand there, he said pointing to the side of the bed in line with the girls breasts. ‘Holy molly, this birthday gift was turning into a party!’ He wanked furiously the skin of his foreskin pleasurably rubbing up and down his cock with increasing speed. He rose on tiptoe. She too, rising from her heels to tiptoe released a stream of golden piss over the girls face, her neck and her breasts. The semen spurted from his cock in bursts. One to the girl’s lips, some flying to an eyelid, another catching her throat, the third splattering over her tits. Her piss was washing away his spent cum down and over the girls left breast to the sheet below.

The girl lay on the bed arms outstretched. Her left hand reached upwards under his balls squeezing gently pulling his cock towards her so she could taste the last drops of his cum and with her right hand her fingers felt outwards for his mum’s cunt. She leaned downwards and masturbated her, two fingers rolling and rubbing and came quickly to an orgasm with a cry of ‘yes, yes’

She dressed and his mum came from behind the partition dressed in denims and a simple top. ‘Nice to have met you, Selina. You and he should do a movie sometime. I might even join you. Let me show you out.’

The door closed.

‘Happy Birthday’, she said kissing him lightly. ‘Thanks mum’.

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