
"You're kidding, right," Becky said incredulously to her best friend Dana!?! "I'm telling you the truth," Dana said with a giggle, "just take a look at this," as she shoved the tape into the VCR and hit the play button!!! Both girls stared at the screen while waiting for the first images to come to appear, which turned out to be part of a bedroom!!! "See," Dana whispered, "there's dad, he's gettin' into bed!!!" They watched a little longer and Becky offered, "He's just reading a book, Dana, this is soooooo exciting, I don't think I can stand it!!!" "Just keep your shirt on," Dana admonished, "the good part's coming up pretty soon, now!!!" Becky was about to come back with a sharp retort, when on the screen, Dana's mother walked into view, and she was totally naked!!! "Holy smokes," Becky said under her breath, "your mom's got huge boobs!!!" "Just wait," Dana said excitedly, "and watch what my dad does!!!" The sound wasn't the greatest, but you could clearly hear Ed Ford say to his wife, "Edie, you still have the best set of tits I've ever seen," as he grabbed a handful of her flesh as she walked past his side of the bed!!!" As his hands grew more insistent, she offered no resistance when he pulled her down on the bed and kissed her hard on the mouth, while letting his free hand roam over her voluptuous body!!! Almost immediately she began tugging at his boxer shorts until she had exposed his now very erect penis to her hungry gaze!!! "God you get me so hot," she panted as she dropped her head into his lap and took his smooth dick head into her mouth for a nice long suck!!! By now both girls were breathing a little shallowly as they watched Dana's mother sucking off her father like a whore in a brothel!!! "Y-your mother is really hot," Becky said softly, "she can't get enough of his pecker!!!" "That's nothing," Dana replied, "she lets him shoot it into her mouth and she swallows it, too!!!" A few minutes later, just as Dana had predicted, her father let out with a loud moan and seconds later Edie Ford's mouth was being flooded with cum!!! As the tape continued to roll, Dana's parents locked themselves in a long passionate kiss while Ed Ford furiously fingered his wife's big fat cunt, bringing her to a stunning orgasm which left both Dana and Becky literally panting like dogs as they watched Dana's mother in the throes of her climax!!! "How did you record that," Becky asked breathlessly, "it was fantastic!?!" "I just put a piece of black tape over the little red record light and put it on their dresser with it aimed at their bed!!!" "Weren't you worried they see it," asked Becky doubtfully, "you were taking quite a chance!?!" "Not really," Dana explained, "I put it there about a month a month ago and just left it there so they'd get used to seeing it, then yesterday after school I went in and turned it on and just hoped for the best and that's what I got!!!" "Well," Becky replied with a little envy in her voice, "at least you found out one thing!!!" "What's that," Dana replied!?! "That your mother's a cock hound," Becky replied, and both girls broke out into gales of laughter!!! After the two of them had calmed down a bit, Becky said excitedly, "I've go an idea, why don't we use your video cam to record other people in shall we say, compromising situations!?!" "Like who," Dana asked!?! "Well, for starters," she replied, "how about Mr. Petersen, you know how he wants to get his hands on all of the senior girls, let's tape him and black mail him!!!" Dana stared at her friend for a second or two and then replied, "Let's do it!!! The bell ending the last period of the day had just rang out and the twenty four students of Mr. Petersen's eighth hour advanced math class shuffled out of the room and headed for their lockers and then home! Both Becky and Dana gave each other a nod and stopped in front of Mr. Petersen's desk while they waited for the room to clear!!! He looked up from his paperwork and asked, "What can I do for you two girls?!?" Uh, Mr. Petersen," Becky said sweetly, "both Dana and I are having trouble with those proofs you assigned last night, do you think you could give us a little help with them, we'd really appreciate it!?!" Becky made sure she bent over just enough to give her teacher a good view of her ample chest through and opening in her partially unbuttoned blouse, and true to from, his eyes were riveted on her boobs and not on her face!!! "Ahem," he stammered, "of course I can help you, show me what exactly you're having trouble with!!!" Becky slid around behind the desk and opened her book to the page on logarithmic proofs while "accidentally" pressing her chest against his arm!!! She babbled on for a minute or two, asking the most inane questions while leaning harder and harder against his arm, until she faked losing her balance and falling to the floor and holding her ankle!!! She cried out in pain, and while holding her lower leg whimpered, "I-I think it's broken, can you help me, Mr. Petersen, it really hurts!?!" "Let me feel it," he said in a thick voice, "you probably just sprained it," while feeling her calf and ankle!!! "Mmmmmmm," Becky said softly, "it feels so much better when you're touching it, can you go a little higher, yeah, right there, just below the knee!!!" As Mr. Petersen massaged Becky's "sprain", Dana was busy aiming her video cam through a small hole that was hidden in her back pack, and it was all she could do to keep from breaking out in laughter at the academy award performance Becky was putting on!!! As the middle aged teacher worked on her leg, Becky leaned back a little and gradually spread her legs wider and wider, until her skirt was hiked up high on her thigh, and her panty clad crotch was plainly visible to his stunned eyes!!! Becky thought his eyes would pop out of his head, and to make it even tougher on him, she tightened and untightened her cunt muscles several times in rapid succession, which practically gave the old boy a heart attack!!! "Mr. Petersen," she then said in her best baby talk, "I think you're staring at my panties, shame on you!!!" "Uh, oh no," he stammered, "I was just, you know, rubbing your leg, does it feel better now," he asked huskily!?! "Now, now," she replied, "you know you were staring, what color am I wearing, white, blue, or pink, you know the answer, tell me now!?!" "I-I don't know," he said as his voice trailed off!!"Mr. Petersen,"she said in a scolding little girl voice, "you know it's wrong to lie, and you know that I'm wearing while panties with lace trim, don't you!?!" "Well, uh, maybe I got a glimpse," he stumbled, "but it was just and accident, I didn't mean to peek!!!" "There you go, telling more fibs," she teased, "I saw you peeking you naughty boy!!!" By now sweat had broken out on his face as the little Lolita did her best to drive him up the wall, and if he had stood up, both girls would have seen that he had a very hard erection!!! Now it was time, and Becky went straight for the kill!!! "Mr. Petersen," she asked shyly, "I-I have another problem I hope you can help me with!!!" "W-what is it," he croaked, "I-I'll do my best to do what I can!?!" "It's just this," she replied innocently while pulling her skirt up around her waist, "when I caught you looking at my pretty panties, I couldn't help myself, but I got really wet, see, look at how damp my panties are!!!" You could actually hear the gulping sound in his throat as he now openly gaped at Becky's bulging panty clad lips!!! "You are a very bad boy to have gotten me so wet, Mr. Petersen," she whimpered, "just look at my panties, I think they're ruined!!!" "Oh, no," he stammered, "I-I'm sure that if you just launder them they'll be all right!!!" "Do you really think so," she asked hopefully, "I don't wanna get in trouble at home with mom!?!" "Why would she care," he said thickly, "she'll just wash them with the rest of the load!?!" "I can't take that chance," Becky fairly whined, "if she sees them she'll just know I've been thinking about penises and stuff, and then she'll ask daddy to spank my bare bottom!!!" "Y-your father spanks your bare bottom," he asked with a very dry mouth!?! "And it really hurts, too, it makes me cry so hard, I just don't wanna get spanked, what am I gonna do," she wailed!?! She was really making a commotion now and Mr. Petersen was afraid someone would hear them so he shushed Becky down and said, "Don't worry, I don't think you're going to get spanked, just calm down!!!" "It's easy for you to say," she said through her tears, "nobody's gonna take down your shorts and tan your bare bottom, but I know what I can do," she said brightly!!" Just glad to see that she was getting control of herself, he asked happily, "Good, and what would that be!?!" If was a lucky thing Dana was taping everything, because the look that was about to come over Mr. Petersen's face was absolutely priceless!!! Mr. Petersen waited expectantly for her answer, and out of the blue, and much to his horror, Becky grabbed her panties with each thumb and literally jerked them right off her body, leaving her totally naked below the waist!!! "Y-y-you can't do that in here," he blubbered while keeping his eyes glued to Becky's clean shaven vagina, "w-what if somebody comes in, we could all get in real trouble!!!" Ignoring his protestation, Becky slowly and calmly shook her head from side to side and replied, "It's no use, Mr. Petersen, the only thing I can do it take them off and wash them out before I go home, that's a good idea, don't you think!?!" As his breathing was becoming more rapid and shallow, Becky finally set the hook, "Just look at my vagina, Mr. Petersen, it's all wet and open, and I'll bet your penis is really hard too, isn't it!?!" He was now unable to move his lips, let alone answer her question, so when she reached out and pulled his face towards her drooling cunt, he didn't offer even the hint of any resistance, he just let her guide his mouth to her open organ and began sucking her intently!!! With the tape machine running, Becky offered sweetly, "Oh, Mr. Petersen, you really know how to make a girl feel so feminine, mmmmmmmm, you do that so well, make little Becky's pussy all better!!!" In all his years of teaching senior math, he had fantasized about this very moment, and for once, the actual event was even better than the fantasy, and little Becky had a very sweet and innocent pussy that was just begging to be sucked!!! After taking a few more minutes of his oral servitude, Becky asked shyly, "Mr. Petersen, c-could you please take out your penis so I can see it, I-I'd really appreciate it, pretty please!?!" He hated the thought of leaving her pussy, but if she wanted to see "Mr. Johnson", well, that was all right with him!!! As he unzipped his trousers Dana said to herself, "That's right, smile for the camera," as his thick cock popped into view!!! "Oh, Mr. Petersen," Becky gushed, "you have such a big one, could you jerk it for me, I just love seeing a man jerk his big pecker for me, could ya, please, in fact, while you do yours. I'll do mine!?!" He sat down on his chair and while staring at the sweetest pussy he had ever tasted, slowly fisted his big cock while the cute little slut wantonly fingered her hot clit!!! Even though he wasn't exactly her cup of tea, she was so turned on by his cunt lapping, that orgasm was inevitable, and watching him jerking his big cock just added to her excitement!!! Their digits were no flying over their respective organs, hers over her little nub of a clit, and his, of course, over his thick seven inch fuck pole!!! It was like a race destined to end in a dead heat, with both of them crossing the finish line together in a mixture of spurting cum and a wildly contracting pussy!!! Of course, as soon as his cum hit the floor, the magnitude of what had just transpired over took him and he hurriedly put his dick away and begged her to get up and leave!!! Becky stuck her panties into her back pack and she and Dana left the room without so much as a good by!!! As they walked down the hall, Becky asked evilly, "Did you get it all!?!" "Ever last frame," Dana replied with a smirk, "I think we just got ourselves a couple of A's!!! THE END

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