
PROLOGUE from part one: Naomi Dayne as been dating Peter for six or seven dates now, and her mother, Miranda has sensed that her daughter is falling in love with the young man, and since she is a stone cold dominant, she wants her daughter to follow on with the family tradition of female domination of the males!!! After putting Peter through a number of tests, Miranda finally crushes his balls in her hands, effectively breaking Peter's spirit while leaving him a emotional wreck!!! Miranda then tests Peter's ability to orally satisfy her, and much to Naomi's relief, Peter brings her mother to a thunderous climax, so our story now continues with Miranda Dayne gasping for her post orgasmic breath.................... "See, mother," Naomi said proudly, "I just knew he could do it!!!" "Yes he did," Miranda sighed softly, "her certainly did, but now I have a real challenge for him, go down to the basement and get your father, he should be just about finished with the laundry!!!" Naomi quickly ran down the basement stairs, only to find her dad ironing and folding the daily load of clothes!!! "Mom wants you upstairs right away," she said to her father, "you'd better leave that be for now and get right up there!?!" "I-I'm not in any kind of trouble am I," he asked nervously!?! "I don't think so," Naomi replied, "but you know how she gets if you keep her waiting!!!" "Yes, you're right, let's go," he said quickly!!!

"Here we are, mother," Naomi said while retaking her seat!!! "Did you finish the laundry, David," Miranda asked evenly!?! "Uh, almost, dear," he replied with is head hung down to his chest, "I just have a little bit left to do!!!" "Didn't I tell you to have it done in and hour," she replied acidly, "didn't I!?!" "Yes, ma'am," he whined, "I was doing my best, please don't punish me, I'll try to do better next time, I really will!!!" Miranda looked over to Naomi and in a hard voice uttered, "After twenty years you'd think he'd get the message, but it seems I still have to watch him like a hawk, I hope that your husband doesn't cause you the kind of grief your father causes me!!!" Now turning her attention back to the two humbled men, Miranda still with her dress up and her pussy exposed said to Peter, "I just hope that you'll be more obedient than David, and just to show you what happens to bad little boys, I want you to watch this carefully!!!" "David, take off your pants, and I mean now," Miranda spat evily, "I want Peter to see your pretty purple panties!!!" David quickly slipped off his dungarees, but much to Miranda's surprise, the panties he was wearing were in fact red and not purple, which naturally caused her to go off the deep end!!! "Where are your purple ones, David," she demanded, "you were wearing them this morning, now what happened to them!?!"

Now he was in big time trouble and he knew it, and in a very soft and shaking voice he replied, "Well, uh, you see it's like this, I was going potty and I got some urine on them and since I was doing the laundry anyway, I just decided to wash them!!!" "You made a decison like that on your own," she snapped, "go over to Naomi and slide your panties down to your knees and I mean now!!!" With his heart beating like a trip hammer, Naomi's dad rushed over in front of her, and without any further admonitions from Miranda, slid down the bright red undies revealing his already erect penis and his shaved scrotum!!! "Look, mother," Naomi said excitedly, "daddy's got a big erection!!!" "Of course he does dear," she replied gently, but he must be made to pay for his indiscressions, so I want you to take his balls in your hand and crush them until he passes out!!!" "Really," she said thickly, "you're gonna let me do daddy for you!?!" "I think that it's about time you took over some of my duties," she replied while letting her fingers flick over the head of her very erect clitoris, "so if you will, put him on his knees, please!!!

Peter looked on in abject horror, while his future wife casually took her father's testicles into her right hand, and after giving him a sweet little girl's smile, collapsed her fist around them in crushing grasp until he was bellowing like a stuck pig!!! When her mother gave her the nod, she finished off the job by applying a little more pressure that thankfully pushed him over the edge into unconsciousness!!! "Look at him, mother," Naomi exclaimed, "daddy still has a huge erection, is it all right if I suck it!?!" "Oh, Naomi," her mother said with exasperation, "what is the purpose of the exercize!?!" "Uh, to humiliate and dominate the men," was her quick reply!!! "And if you suck off your father's penis would that be humiliating for him!?!" "No," she replied in a small voice, "it wouldn't, I'm sorry!!!" "No harm done," Miranda replied gently, "now, what would be degrading, for both of them!?!" After thinking about it for a moment, it was if a light bulb went off in her brain, and in an instant she replied, happily, "I've got it, let's make Peter suck him off!!!"

As a look of real horror spread over his face, Peter stared at the huge hard penis sticking out from his future father in law, and in a mumbling voice stammered, "I-I won't do it, I'm not a homosexual!!!" "I don't give a damn what you are," Miranda said softly while quickly reaching out and taking the surprised young man by his balls, "but I can guarantee you one thing, that in about two minutes you're gonna have that big erection inside your pitiful mouth!!!" "Do him, mother," Naomi panted while sticking her hand inside of her panties to get at her burning clit, "crush his nuts in your hand, make him pay for his insolence!!!" My, my," Miranda said softly, "do you hear that, Peter, your little honey wants me to hurt you, now what do you think about that!?!" "P-please no," he begged witjh tears filling his eyes, "they're still sore from before!!!" "Oh, Peter," she chuckled, "from now on they're always going to be sore, so I'm very sorry, but I must do what I must do as she sqeezed them until he had nearly passed out for the second time!!!

With sweat pouring off of his face, Peter slid on his belly over to David Dayne's cock, where after a moment's hesitation, he opened his mouth and let the big head slide smoothly inside!!! "Oooooooo, lookie, mommy," Naomi said excitedly, "Peter's sucking daddy's big cock, oh myyyyyyy, that makes me so hot!!!" "Me too, dear," Miranda replied while she began flicking across her own clit in earnest, "I've always just adored seeing a man sucking off another man, and the wonderful thing about this is that your father won't even get to enjoy his ejactulation since he's out like a light!!!" "Mmmm, good point, mother," Naomi replied while she now furiously fingered her dripping pussy, "h-how long do you think it will be before daddy fills Peter's mouth with sperm!?!" "Soon I hope," she replied with a little moan, "I'm getting close and I want to cum right at the same time as your father!!!" Peter was now in a state of shock as he sucked the big smooth head of David's hard cock, and while he certainly wasn't gay by any stretch of the imagination, his own penis was growing rock hard while he continued his hard sucking!!! It was Naomi who was the first to notice it, and in and very excited voice she hollered, "Look at Peter's dick, mother, "he's hard as a rock, I don't think I've ever seen him harder!!!" Of course you haven't dear," she replied sweetly to her daughter, "Peter is finding out that he loves having a big erection in his mouth more than a vagina, and now for the rest of his life he'll be torn between dying for that big cock, and denying that he's at the least a bi sexual!!!"

"M-mother," Naomi gasped as her fingers flew over her hot twat, "i-is it all right if I take off my jeans and panties!!!" "Of course it is, honey," please, be my guest!!!" "Oh thank you, mother," she said while hurrying to get off her things, "after Peter's done with daddy do you think he could do me too!?!" "My, my, you are the eager one, aren't you, dear," Miranda replied with a chuckle, "but I don't see any reason why not, so as soon as your father fills Peter's mouth with his ejaculate, he can tongue you too!!!" Peter couldn't believe what was happening to him as he thought that Mrs. Dayne always had seemed to be a very nice person, but now seeing how she was and how Naomi was following in her foot steps, he wondered if he hadn't made a gigantic mistake coming here!!! "All right, young man," Miranda snapped, "we want to see some sperm filling your eager mouth, so get on with it, suck David off!!!" "She was the devil incarnate," he thought to himself, but no matter how he tried, he couldn't help but love the sesation of having this big hard penis shoved deep inside of his mouth, and as his tongue caressed and licked at the smooth head, David Dayne's erection stiffened slightly, and then with a huge convulsion, ejaculated load after load of hot sperm deep down his virginal throat!!! "Oh god," Naomi gasped, "daddy's cumming in Peter's mouth, j-just look at them, mother, he's filling Peter's mouth with his hot sperm!!!"

For once Miranda Dayne was speechless as her pussy jerked and spasmed to a viciously satisfying orgasm while watching her husband of over twenty years cumming hard in her daughter's boyfriend's virgin mouth!!! As David Dayne's orgasm began to wane, Naomi, still riding the ragged edge of her climax, grabbed Peter by the hair and without a second's hesitation, jerked the poor lad's face directly into her steaming cunt, where upon she forced him to suck her off to a string of almost brutally crushing oragsms!!!" "How was that, dear," Miranda asked her daughter softly, "you seem totally wiped out!?!" With her breathing still far from normal, Naomi simply nodded to her mother, and after taking three or four gulps of air replied shakily, "T-that was simply awesome, and I do mean awesome!!!" Well, dear," she replied gently as her own blood preassure began returning to normal, "From now on all of your cums should be just as good, thanks of course to your father's and Peter's oral servitude, that is!!!"


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