The Washing Machine

The Washing Machine

“Why don’t you try it?” Laura’s big brown eyes widened as a naughty thrill went through her body making her shudder a little at the thought of it.

“Be serious” Laura said with a shy smile to her best friend Tally. Laura and Tally were sat in a coffee shop as they normally did on their dinner break chatting.

Tally had been Laura best friend since they were at school; here they were still best friends at the age of 33, even working in the same office building. What they were chatting about was a present that Laura had been given for her last birthday by another friend.

“I am serious Lau you should try it” Tally smiled as she tried to convince Laura it was right what she was saying.

“I’m 33 Tally and have never done anything like that before in my life, no not even when I was younger before you say anything” Laura laughed and shook her head, her long brown curly hair swaying as she sipped her coffee and smiled at her friend.

“Laura you are sexy, just look at those boobs for got sake” Laura’s mouth dropped and she playfully slapped her friends arm before giggling “If no bloke wants that then you need to do something” Tally joked as she pointed at Laura’s chest, her tight, white silk shirt pressed against her big breasts

“Hey I’m not some old spinster you know” Laura laughed as did Tally “I have had men before” again Laura laughed

“Yeah but the last one was what 3 years ago?” Tally said with a grin, “Come on tell me you haven’t had the feelings in all that time”

Laura couldn’t lie, she had become frustrated at times during the last 3 years of abstinence but she had never done anything about it, she just dove into her work more and tried to forget the feeling until they went away, still the thought of what Tally was saying made her mind run wild.

“I’ll get a bloke some time” Laura said as she drank the last of her coffee and looked at her friend who smiled “But right now we need to get back to work” she said looking at her watch.

“Just don’t forget what I said Lau” Tally said as they got back to the office and went to their own office’s.

Laura couldn’t forget what Tally had said even if she wanted to; her mind was on it all the time she was trying to work, thrills ran through her mind and made her giggle at times, she was just happy that she was alone in her office so she could let out the feelings she had.

The day ended and Laura went home, when she got in she did her usual ritual, run a bath as she got some food out of the freezer to be heated up for hr to eat. Stripping off Laura dropped her clothes in her hamper which was overflowing now and got into the hot water, the bubbles covering her long legs as they sank into the rippling liquid, a shiver went down her back as she sighed as the water covered her trimmed pubic hair and stomach her breasts lightly getting lapped by the warm water as the bubbly suds covered her and she closed her eyes relaxing her body.

“I couldn’t” Laura said in her mind as she thought about what Tally had said to her, she couldn’t even believe that she had been given it for her birthday, she was shocked then but could laugh about it now.

Laura got out of her long soak and wrapped her silk bathrobe around her wet body and went to her bedroom opening her wardrobe she pulled out the shoebox that she had put the present in, she still hadn’t opened it from its packaging.

Smiling Laura opened the box and pulled the present out, sill in its packaging from the shop where it was bought. Laura smiled and sighed as she looked at it, her eyes looked down the long black dildo she had been given in the plastic case.

“You’d not hurt me would you?” she said to the rubber cock before giggling “I’ll just take you out of this plastic but that’s it ok” Laura ripped open the packaging and let the rubbed cock drop onto her bed, her eyes looked at it, following the 8 inch long shaft from the big round head down to the rubber suction up at the bottom, she looked in the package and saw a leaflet that came with it, picking it up she began to read.

Basically it was just some helpful advice, Laura skimmed until she saw what the suction cup was for, it said that you could stick the dildo to objects to leave your hands free while you used it, Laura thought about where you may stick it and laughed dropping the paper she rubbed her hand over the long shaft.

“Hmmm feels very err rubbery” she laughed again before picking up the long rubber cock and looked it closely. It did look awfully real, perfectly shaped and it didn’t feel all that unreal either, it was quite firm but not so hard that it wouldn’t bend.

“I wonder who modeled for you then?” Laura joked to herself as she looked down the 8 inch of thick shaft, her mind was working over time as she held the dildo in her hand and ran the other hand up and down it, like she would if she was giving a man a hand job.

Laura dropped the dildo into the shoe box and put it back, a shiver went down her back again as she thought about what it must feel like to have something that big inside your pussy, but she had other things to do she told herself, like the laundry.

Loading her dirty panties and bra’s along with her other clothes into the washing machine Laura’s mind was back in her bedroom with the dildo, she couldn’t stop thinking of it really, she had been thinking over the last week how much she missed sex, that’s how she and Tally had got to chatting about what they had during their break.

Turning on the machine she leaned on it, her ass pressed on the top as she sat back and looked into space her mind thinking of her last boyfriend and the dildo in her bedroom.

“Oh, oh!” Laura moaned a little in surprise as the washer began to spin her clothes. The spinning was shaking the washing machine under Laura’s ass and sending nice feeling vibrations to her pussy, Laura smiled as she felt herself get wet down there from the vibrations of the spinning washer.

“Ohhh!” Laura moaned as she felt the vibrations get harder, she quickly jumped onto the machine and sat there enjoying the feelings she was getting as her pussy got wetter and wetter, the vibrating washing machine much to her surprise sending her to her first orgasm for over 3 years.

Laura opened her mouth wide as she felt her pussy contract and an orgasm wash over her, her hands closed tightly into fists as the vibrating washing machine sent shocks through her pussy, her breasts jiggled as she sat on the top of the washer and enjoyed its spinning, her pussy felt on fire as she felt another orgasm again, her mouth open and eyes closed as she moaned her way through the orgasm, it didn’t take much to set her off, it had been so long since she had anything that even felt slightly sexual that this was like heaven.

“Oh wow!” Laura said as she got off the washing machine once it was finished spinning her clothes, her hair was a mess she had been shaking her head a lot as she came hard 3 times and her breath was ragged, but she couldn’t help smiling.

Pulling her clothes out she took them to dry and then feeling tired she decided it was time for an early night today, that night she slept better then she had for ages.

“So what happened last night then Lau?” Tally asked as they met for coffee again “Did you do it?”

“No, I got it out but never used it like you said I should have” Laura laughed “But I did do something” she said with a cheeky smile on her face

“You did, what was it then? Come on details please” Tally said with a grin, all excited about hearing what Laura had done the night before.

Laura began to tell her all about the previous night, Tally listening to each word intently with a smile and a few giggles as Laura described the feelings the vibration had won her when she sat on the top of the washing machine and felt them fully.

“Oh that’s nothing, we’ve all done that” Tally joked with a smile “I’m surprised its taken you so long to try it is all. I thought all women knew the old trick of putting the washer onto spin, jumping on and letting it go to work,” she laughed, as did Laura.

“I couldn’t believe how it felt, I came like 3 times” Laura laughed “And had the best sleep I had for years!”

Tally laughed loudly and took Laura’s hand in hers on the table “Now you know how good it can be you should try it with that thing in your wardrobe Lau” Tally said with a smile as she looked into Laura’s brown eyes

“I’m not sure Tally, it’s well big,” she said grinning at her friend

“So what, come on we’ve all done it before, it will be fine” Tally said laughing before Laura told her to keep it down before she has the attention of everyone in the café.

“Oh forget them,” Tally laughed “Now you really need to try it, its got a suction cup on it don’t it?” Tally asked and Laura nodded “Well there you go, go home, I’ll cover for you at work and try it out, just how I told you to” Laura blushed a little, the thought of it was tempting her, she could feel her pussy get damp and her nipples were hard as she thought about doing it. Looking at Tally her mind was made up

“Ok, I’m going to do it” Tally hugged her and laughed

“Good for you Lau! Don’t worry I’ll sort things at work you just get home right now” Tally said as she pushed her friend towards the door, both woman laughing as they got outside, Laura looking back she waved and stuck her tongue out as Tally laughed at her and waved back before heading back to work.

“What am I doing?” Laura said as she got home “I can’t believe I’m going to do this” she closed and locked the door before going to the stairs and pausing for a few seconds, but a sudden naughty thrill later and she was running up to her bedroom.

“Ok it’s just you and me now” Laura said to the long black dildo as she opened the shoebox and looked at it. Her mind all over the place, she was nervous but aroused too, this was the first spontaneous thing she had done for herself for as long as she could remember.

Taking the dildo out of the box she ran down to the washing machine and had a big smile and giggle as she remembered the night before, her pussy was already dripping with anticipation as she held the rubber cock and moved over to the machine.

“There we go” Laura said as she stuck the rubber cock onto the top of the washing machine and admired it stood proudly up, the black rubber looking inviting as it looked so life like. Laura giggled as she got naked from the waist down, dropping her trousers and damp panties on the floor she put her hand son her hips and bit her lower lip as she thought about what she was doing.

“Ok here we go” Laura set the washing machine to spin cycle, all that was needed was her to push the start button when she was ready, a sudden doubt filled her mind but Laura was now very excited about what she was doing and her pussy was very wet and aching for it.

Putting her hands on the top of the washing machine after turning her back to it she lifted herself up and sat back over the dildo, holding her pussy over it she tried to aim it right, slowly she lowered herself down and giggled when she felt the head of the cold dildo touch her pussy lips.

“Ohhh” she moaned as she felt the rubber cock open her pussy lips and slip inside as she pushed herself down onto it. It had been so long since anything had been in her pussy she had forgot how good it felt, the dildo was firm but yet flexible and felt so good as it stretched Laura’s pussy as she took it as deep as she could, her legs hanging over the edge of the washing machine she looked down and laughed as she saw her trimmed pubic hair with the black dildo slightly coming from it

“We’ll this is a first… never had a anything black in there” Laura joked to herself as she wiggled on the rubber cock and moaned as she felt the thrill shoot through her pussy as she got comfy on it and reached down to the controls of the washing machine.

“Ok this is it Laura” she told herself as she leaned forwards and looked for the start button, slowly she pressed it and sat upright waiting for the cycle to start and her pleasure to begin.

The black rubber dildo in her pussy began to shake a tiny bit and Laura smiled and giggled as she felt the little vibration’s of pleasure went through her pussy and made her moan.

“Oh nice” Laura said in a low voice as the washing machine began to pick up speed, the dildo in her pussy began to shake violently sending shocks through Laura’s body, her pussy getting wetter and more sensitive with every second as the washer began to crank up the spin, shaking Laura’s body on top. With her big breasts shaking in the tight shirt Laura moaned as she felt her orgasm wash over her, clenching her pussy on the black dildo she smiled and moaned as the vibrating rubber cock sent her over the edge again.

Laura felt her ass shake as the cycle went onto high spin, the whole washing machine shaking and vibrating as Laura put her hands on it and began to make little thrusts up and down on the shaking black cock, each move it made, made Laura cry out in pleasure as her clit was rubbed by the rubber.

“Oh Yes! Yes!” Laura called out as the vibrating in her pussy made her fly to another orgasm, the juice washing over the dildo as the spinning shook it inside her tight griped pussy, Laura screaming out now as she thrust herself up and down on the 8 inch shaft the deep penetrations sending a massive orgasm through her each time.

The spin cycle lasted a good fifteen minuets and Laura moaned and cried out through it all as wave after wave of orgasm washed through her pussy, the black dildo in her shaking to the very end, glistening with the juice she had secreted over it. Laura had in those fifteen minuets having had more orgasms then she had in all the previous years of her life since she was 18.

As the washing machine came to a stop Laura let out one final sigh of pleasure as she bit her bottom lip and eased herself off the dildo and smiled as she looked down at it and the wetness shining. She pulled it off the washing machine and laughed as she felt her pussy lips began to close, the tingling still there deep inside her pussy.

In her bedroom Laura put the black dildo into its shoebox and placed it back into the wardrobe before getting some clothes on and grabbing the phone, calling Tally she smiled and told her she was right, and that wasn’t going to be the last time that the washing machine would rub with nothing inside.


Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed… please leave a message or preferably send me some feedback with an e-mail address, I will reply to anyone who does.

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