

(Hey everyone! I thought I’d try a short series in which each entry is from the perspective of the two people involved. This one is from her perspective,(note it’s not the same encounter…that’s too easy!) my first attempt at writing such. Enjoy!)

Layton’s Perspective:

Well it was obvious that I had, despite a past history of making really bad decisions, to make a good one. The sex was really incredible, and the best part was that my “Daddy” (I was still loathing to call him that at this point) seemed genuinely concerned with me as a person. I had been worried that it would be nothing more than him humping me, blowing his load, and off he’d go. But so far he was wowing me out of the bedroom as well.

Take today. After a scrumptious breakfast & getting ready, we took the ‘targa’(?) top off that gorgeous red supercar & went for a drive. We had a light lunch at a little place overlooking the ocean, and he took me to Ulta, LOADING the basket he gladly carried for me with cosmetics I otherwise could never have afforded! He was equally as generous as we did a bit of shopping for clothing, and some sexy lingerie as well. I liked that I showed him what I liked, but HE picked out everything for me. It was alluringly sexy.

On the way back, Johnathan asked about the money needed over the next week.

“well, it’s a bit less than $2k, during this time I was supposed to be securing loans”

“No-no, we’ll not do that,” he replied, “I give you $2500 before Chris comes back, because I know you’ll have other expenses.”

“John, you are doing SO much already…”

‘All of it because I want to.” He responded “We’ll work out the remainder as we go, but one of my interns is a grad student, and with his guidance I’ll get to the right people to get this semester taken care of. Don’t worry about that, it’s no longer your concern. I’m getting to enjoy yourself, first time in years and years.”

“But John…it comes at a price, you know.”

“I’m aware, and not really sure about the boy-umm young man, truth be known.” He said. “Truth is, It’s hard to now compare myself to him. But that aside, if you decide to stay with him, I can back out of the picture. I’d do that to keep you two happy. You have only to tell me what YOU want .

At that moment, that man, double may age plus some, was the dead-sexiest man I had ever seen. I’d literally never had any man sacrifice himself for what I wanted, and that included his son. It made me want him, and I wanted him bad.

I reached over and touching his cheek I simply said, “Take me to the House, now.”


When we got back I ***********ed a little number I’d sneaked in when he wasn’t looking, a gorgeous red teddy with a plunging neckline and attached stockings. I also wore the matching panties over the stockings in a bit of hopeful anticipation.

When I opened the door and stepped into the bedroom, the way his eyes popped out told me I had made the right choice!. He may be in his 50’s but that man, naked before me, certainly had a nice body. I also noticed he had not been idle, as his pubic area looked like it was freshly shaved. His bald and clean cock was semi-hard as it swayed from side to side as he walked towards me. Dammit I wanted it inside me

He walked over with a HUGE grin. His eyes took in my body, from my hair, down over my perky breasts, to the whole lingerie package. I did a very slow twirl for him, letting him take it all in. I girlishly lowered my head hoping to hide behind my hair but it was too short to give any kind of coverage for my boobs.

"WOW Layton, I am so glad you got this, but I see you slipped it in on me, you little minx," he said with a smile as he placed his hand on my lower back, and let him guide me to the bed. It was powerfully sexy to be the singular focus of this man

He leaned in, and whispered “incredible…”

I responded by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling his mouth to mine. Our lips met and our tongues entangled as we passionately kissed.

His hand moved up across my stomach to my left breast. The hair partly concealed that the nipple area was open. His fingers found the nipple, and his touch was gentle at first, then he began to pull at my nipple, his hand kneading the flesh of my breasts.

My hand fell from his shoulders to his lap, finding his thick, fully erect cock, the thing I wanted inside me. It felt big in my tiny hand. I gripped his shaft and stroked him up and down to feel his full size. He was rock hard now. It also felt nice and smooth...I liked that he had shaved for me.

He sighed as I stroked him slowly, his kisses more urgent, deeper. His hands found both my tits, and he began to delightfully maul them. His mouth left mine, and he dipped his head to suck on my erect nipples, his hands pushing the flesh together.

I put my free hand on his head, holding his hair and forcing his face into my tits, telling him how much I wanted him. It was powerful and I was entranced when he pulled back and simply said "Suck me." He leaned back onto the middle of the bed, his cock standing proud, the head pointing to the ceiling.

I happily followed that cock, crawling onto the bed on all fours as I slowly approached his beautiful cock and balls. I took a few seconds to admire how clean they looked without any hair. This was the first time that I had seen such a clean smooth hairless cock, and I was eager to play with it. I let my hanging breasts rub along the length of his stiff cock. My erect nipples ran up and down his shaft as he watched and then pulled on my breasts.

"I just love your perfect breasts," he said as he softly caressed them. I let my nipples run through the pre-cum that was glistening on his head. I was feeling hot and aroused now. I SO him, but I also wanted to toy with his control. I was enjoying being controlled, but little is more fun that challenging the status quo in a situation like this.

I wrapped one hand firmly around his shaft and lowered my mouth over the head. I licked his pre-cum coated purple helmet and then began licking and kissing the entire length of his smooth shaft. I admired how easily my lips slid over his smooth cock. Why didn't every guy shave like this? I then took him fully into my mouth.

My ‘Man’ (?) at this point knew my skills, but I still handled his dick like a pro, using all the tricks I knew, licking and nibbling the shaft, rubbing the head, sucking his balls. I spit coated his cock, and it got even bigger, thicker. I continued to suck him until my jaw ached, but I could tell by his reaction he was enjoying it as I used my throat.

Johnathan lasted a good ten minutes before he tensed up and let out a deep orgasmic moan. I knew what was coming and opened myself as he spasmed and came hard. It was a direct shot down my throat. I squeezed his balls hard as he came and slipping him partly out I violently stroked his shaft as my lips formed a tight seal around his girth. I wanted to squeeze, suck, and stroke every last drop out of him.

I opened my mouth to show him his load, then swallowed twice to get it all down. When done, our eyes met and we both had the same smile.

He wiped my mouth roughly and then kissed me, pushing me back on the bed. He obviously wasn't finished with me, and I wouldn’t have expected any less. He kissed down my neck and sucked my tits again, then licked down my stomach. He was gaining control again, and showed it as he grabbed my legs and pulled them apart, exposing my wet pussy to him. He ran a finger over my opening, over my clit, getting the finger coated in my juice, then licking it clean.

The second time he did it he offered the finger to me. I greedily sucked on his digit. He then bent down and started to eat me out. I had to admit, this unlike ANYTHING any other man had done to me, and I reveled in it, Johnathan Roberts, bringing me off countless times, his tongue, lips, and fingers all over me, rubbing my clit then prodding inside me, kissing, biting me, pulling at my swollen clit.

I thrashed around on the bed, the sheets beneath me soaking wet from my orgasms. I felt well and truly used, but I loved the feeling. He looked up at me, his face wet from my pussy juices and kissed me, our tongues mingling. I could feel his cock against my hole, solid again. I reached down and rubbed the cock I so wanted against my clit. He felt good. I held the tip of his cock against my opening, and he pushed himself against me.

The head disappeared between my lips. He gripped my knees and brought them up, level with my shoulders, and sank his entire hard cock deep into me. All. Of. It.

“Fu-uuuuu-uck” I said out loud. I could almost feel him in my stomach. He stretched me wide, my cunt lips taut around his shaft. He drew out slowly and then sank his cock back in just as slowly, shifting his hips from side to side, getting contact with every inch of my vaginal walls. My nipples stood up like bullets, I held my legs wide open as he rested on his hands and started to speed up his fucking motion.

"Dammit Layton, you feel so tight..." he gasped.

He reached behind me grabbing my ass for leverage and continued to thrust into me deep and hard. He was again in control, and I was at his mercy, and I loved it.

An orgasm washed over me as he continued to pound me into the bed. I was aware of my screaming, but it felt like a different person. I begged & pleaded him to fuck me, I pleaded with him to make me cum again. It was so intense I was crying, I couldn't take much more but wanted everything he had. He slipped out of me, eliciting a gasp from me.

"Turn over," he told me.

As fast as I possibly able, I scooted around onto all fours, my legs wide and ready for him. I felt his conquering cock slide into my wet gapping pussy. I love doggy style. I began pushing back in rhythm to his thrusts.

He had me shift just a bit, and when he pulled my hair, I could see that he was using the floor length dressing mirror to make eye contact. He stared at me as I felt my pussy stretching to accept him. He then slowed down, and I felt him pushing against my asshole with his finger.

With that wistful grin, the one I’m sure told him I was playing I said "No! Keep fucking me," I pleaded.

Whack! He slapped my ass causing me to yelp & flinch from the stinging blow. Why did I…like it?

I felt my spincter muscles give to him. "I’m going to take this," he grunted. He had a look of power I’d not seen before.. He had a firm grip around my hips and I knew I was helpless.

"J-J-John….” I said in that pleading tone, “P-p-please don't hurt me...you're too big," I’d had anal only once or twice, and I knew this was going to hurt, and in truth it did scare me. Besides, I was hoping that he would continue to fuck my wantoning pussy instead, but I knew better.

His strokes in and out of my sopping wet twat were slow and deliberate as I felt him slowly exploring my anus with one of his saliva drenched fingers. He began making progress pushing one then two digits into my asshole.

"Oh...Please John…..PLEASE keep that beautiful cock in my pussy...I want you to cum inside of me...please fuck me," I begged, hoping to sway him from my ass as I thrust back onto his cock.

He ignored me, This man pulled out of my pussy, and with a shove pushed me face down into the bed, my ass sticking straight up. He placed the head of his cock firmly against my asshole. He now had the head of his cock buried in me, my cunt juices lubricating his passage.

"Just relax my pet, follow my instructions....pull your cheeks apart and push with you ass back into me" he ordered. I took a deep breath and complied with his commands.

Little by little he fed his fat cock into my ass. It hurt! But I could feel my asshole stretching to aoccomodate him. I reached down between my legs and pulled at his balls, then began to finger my clit as he started to pump into me. It was uncomfortable, at first, then the pain turned sweet and he started to build up his speed, my hand stroking my pussy lips and clit in time to his ass fucking.

He slapped my ass again, twice, each time harder than the first time, and I yelled out each time, but I understood.. The sharp pain from the slap distracted me from the pain his cock was inflicting inside of my ass.

I had my head turned to watch this man dominate me, but was otherwise ass up face down in the bed. As he pushed into me we kept eye contact, and it made me smile. He slowed to a stop, then leaned over, from the nightstand he brought back a small ‘mini’ bullet vibrator and handed it to me. It took no prompting or instruction.

As I applied it to my swollen clit he pushed hard, bottoming out, and I could hear his cock squelching inside me. With one more slap of the ass and the vibrator, I closed my eyes and came hard, again, the feeling of his cock in my ass sending me into exquisite rapture.

My legs were almost beyond use at this stage, it was only the fact that I was impaled on this man’s cock that kept me up on all fours. He tensed as his own orgasm built. I could feel it twitching inside my ass. His eyes also squinted as he pushed into me one last time, and as he roared I could feel him filling my bowels with pulse after pulse of his hot seed. With a soft plop, he went soft and pulled out. He let go of my hips, and we both collapsed on the bed, totally spent and exhausted.

Unlike the previous day with the lotion, after quite a bit of afterglow my ‘Man’(?) was able to rouse me from the bed, and we giggled as we both went to the shower on shaky legs. There, he washed the sweat and cum off me. ’Dressing’ me in another skimpy set satin Cami type PJs (with panties this time), we went down to his very nice kitchen, wherein he completed the cilantro-lime marinated chicken over rice (honestly the food alone is almost worth the experience!).

We sat for a time on the deck, outside ‘my’ bedroom (as we had thoroughly soiled the bedding in the other bedroom) in my Cami’s, him naked, enjoying a bit of wine as the sun set over the Gulf, and after one more bit of ‘fun’,I spooned back into this/my ‘Man.’ I felt totally safe and relaxed as his cock nestled against the PJ’s & between my fanny cheeks, and we drifted off to a good sleep.

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